Engineering Services
Committed to Quality
​Primary Engineering Competencies

Airworthiness Directives – Audits / Reviews / Compliance Engineering Orders
Jet Maintenance Consulting Corp. can audit all AD’s, Air-Frame and Appliance (Component) for your aircraft type. We provide a master spreadsheet document so you can easily import the data into your own tracking software. If the compliance is questionable and dirty fingerprint documents (DFP's) are not available, we then develop Engineering Orders to verify compliance. If compliance has not been attained, we develop an easy to follow “mechanic friendly” Engineering Order that is focused on ease of work steps with clear and concise compliance sign off records.

Regulatory Compliance
Jet Maintenance Consulting Corp. develops and writes regulatory compliance procedures for aircraft operators. We are experienced with the FAA’s approval processes, and their use of Data Collection Tools (DCT) to verify regulatory compliance. Jet Maintenance Consulting Corp. reads and interprets Federal Aviation Regulations, Advisory Circulars, and other guidance material to determine and explain what an Airline Operator must do to be in compliance with each regulation. Then we write new policy or edit existing policy so operators comply with new or existing regulations.

Special Operations Programs
Jet Maintenance Consulting Corp. assists Operators in obtaining Operation Specifications (OpsSpec) for ETOPS, RVSM, CAT II/III, Aging Aircraft, and other operations. Whether it’s managing an entire project, or just a brief consultation to get some pointers on the best path to obtain a special FAA certification, Jet Maintenance Consulting Corp. has the experience needed to efficiently guide your company.

Reliability Engineering and Analysis
We excel at Reliability Engineering and analysis. We find solutions to chronic pilot reports or maintenance issues, which help you to eliminate high operational costs and aircraft down time.

Maintenance Inspection Programs (MIP)
Getting a new aircraft? Need help with bridging an existing aircraft to a new MIP? We can guide you through the process and help make the transition as smooth as possible, while ensuring all maintenance tasks are completed during the transition period.

Services for Remote Locations
Jet Maintenance Consulting Corp. has the technology to overcome the barriers between companies in separate physical locations. No matter where your company is located, we can work with you remotely via our virtual meeting room. All that is needed is a web browser. Whether it’s one person in one location or many individuals in different locations, we provide communication solutions that meet your needs. We can do Web meetings as quickly as you can send an email. We set up a meeting room, send you the link, and in 2-3 minutes we can all be sharing the same presentations, material or documents.