E-learning Classroom &Virtual Classroom
Types Of Courses
E-learning – These are the greatest thing since PowerPoint delivered us from using overhead transparencies. Interactive E-learning courses are developed in Adobe Captivate® and deployed on the internet via a Learning Management System. Learners view training content via a web browser. All training records and test results are tracked automatically by the Learning Management System (LMS).
Jet Maintenance Consulting Corp.can develop E-learning courses of any type for you. We can take your existing classroom training and turn it into an E-learning Module or build a course from scratch. JMCC courses are authored to be SCORM or AICC compliant .
We can host your E-learning content on our LMS, or deliver it to your existing LMS.
Click Here to view sample E-learning Content.
Some of the Available “On the Shelf” E-learning Courses
Electrical Wiring Interconnect Systems
Course A (8 hours) Course B (4 hours)
Airport Markings and Communications
DPS 350/450 Pitot Static Tester Operation
Aeroflex IFR 4000 Test Set Operation
Aeroflex IFR 6000 Test Set Operation
Avionica RSU II Test Set Operation
JMCC Fuel Tank Safety Training
Boeing 767 Air Data Systems Overview
Boeing 767 Air Data Systems Troubleshooting